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Financial Advisory Committee

The Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) is a Board of Education advisory committee. The purpose and membership is outlined in Jeffco Board Policy GP-07. The committee meets eight to nine times over the course of the school year, receiving presentations from senior staff in financial services as well as other departments. Their focus is to:

  • Provide independent review of core financial reports and provide fiscal recommendations to the Board
  • Encourage continuous improvement of procedures, policies and practices within the district financial management areas
  • Appoint a representative to the Audit Oversight Committee, whose oversight purview is more specific to internal and external audit and internal controls

The board appoints up to seven Jeffco community members to serve on the FAC. The board prefers individuals with a working familiarity of finance, a mix of professional backgrounds, independent of the district and preferably residents of Jefferson County or a portion of Broomfield County served by Jeffco.

Committee Members

Current Financial Advisory Committee members include:

  • Gary Colbert, retired professor and administrator of business at the University of Colorado
  • Reid McClanahan, controller of Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners
  • Theresa Shelton, representative to Audit Committee, founder and president, TMD Advisors
  • Jason Sproles, president, SupportOne


Current staff support includes:

  • Tracy Dorland, superintendent
  • Brenna Copeland, chief financial officer
  • Seanin Rosario, executive director of finance, planning, and analysis
  • Stephanie Novello, executive director of accounting and finance
  • Brian Sammons, director of budget

Current Board of Education Liaisons include:

  • Mary Parker, board president
  • Danielle Varda, board treasurer

Meetings and Minutes

Meeting agendas are developed collaboratively with the committee, based on recommendations and ideas from staff. Agendas and minutes are posted after they are finalized and approved.

2024-25 Meetings Schedule

2024-2025 Agendas 

2024-2025 Minutes 

Conclusions and Recommendations to the Board

Meeting and Agenda Archive

Contact Us

Brenna Copeland, Chief Financial Officer