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Board Meetings

The Jeffco Public Schools Board of Education encourages you to become involved in the education of the youth in our community. You are invited to watch Board of Education meetings live, online, or catch up on past meetings by viewing video or audio recordings.

Teacher helping a student in class

Meetings generally are held at the Education Center, 1829 Denver West Drive, Building 27, fifth floor in Golden (off I-70 and Denver West Boulevard).

Regular business meetings are at 5 p.m. in the board room on the fifth floor. Each regular meeting is preceded by a study or executive session unless otherwise noted on the meeting agenda. Check the meeting schedule to view specific times for study, special or executive sessions.

The Board complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Those who need accommodations to fully participate in a meeting can call the Board office at 303-982-6801 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so arrangements can be made.

Meeting dates, times and locations of board meetings are subject to change.

Participate in a Board Meeting

Your opinions and feedback are important to the Board. Community members may address the Board at regular business meetings. Community members wishing to speak to the Board may do so at regular business meetings and occasional single-topic special meetings by filling out the public comment signup form.

The public comment signup form opens at 7 a.m. Sunday, or five days prior to the meeting when public comment is scheduled; and closes at 1 p.m. Wednesday, or the day prior to the meeting.

Those eligible to speak during public comment are:

  • Residents of the district.
  • Parents of students enrolled in district schools.
  • Jeffco staff.
  • Individuals who have been requested by the superintendent or Board to present a given subject.
  • Nonresidents of the district who have previously requested and received the permission of the superintendent or Board.

Individual speakers will have three minutes to address the Board, and groups of four or more will have 10 minutes. All group members who are signed up for a group must be present.

Public comment is available in two sections during a regular Board meeting for up to one hour each. Public comment will be heard during the first part of the meeting (public comment part I). Overflow for public comment will be heard in the second section of public comment (public comment part II) in the meeting.

The Board is a policy-making body and therefore public comment topics should be policy-related. Individual concerns are best resolved closer to the situation. For example, parents are asked to contact their local school to handle a specific question or problem. The Board encourages personnel matters to be directed to the superintendent and not be conducted in public session.

The Board receives citizen input with respect and expects those who address the Board to observe the same courtesy. If an individual’s statement is unrelated to the business of the district or inappropriate for K-12 students, the Board may interrupt, warn or terminate a speaker’s remarks.

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Board Minutes

The Board of Education uses an online software management tool called BoardDocs to manage the creation and distribution of its agendas and minutes in electronic format.

Official Board minutes and agendas are available to the public on Jeffco's BoardDocs website. To view this information on BoardDocs, navigate to “Meetings” and click a specific meeting date. Minutes are typically approved and made official by the Board as part of the Consent Agenda at the next month’s Regular meeting of the Board. Call the Board office if minutes are unavailable online at 303-982-6801.

Board Agendas and Minutes in BoardDocs

To view video recordings of past board meetings, visit the Jeffco Boardroom channel on Vimeo.

Some recordings may not be posted due to a technical difficulty. Contact the Board of Education office for questions.

Contact Us

Board of Education

To contact a Board member with a specific concern or question, view the Board of Education profiles.

For general Board of Education questions, contact the Board of Education executive assistant:

Phone: 303-982-6801