Special Education Advisory Committee
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is an advisory board that supports Jeffco Public Schools to improve outcomes for all students with disabilities. SEAC has approximately 20 people, including parents, educators, administrators, students and representatives from community agencies.
SEAC sponsors learning and supports districtwide events throughout the year. These events are open to all families and staff and will be advertised through the School Messenger system and on this webpage.
Committee Members
- Angela Bauer
- Brenna Leigh Conner
- Diana Caleira
- Diane Shideler
- Erin Frank
- Casey Gardner
- Tina Glass
- Jessica Goodkin
- Katie Vahey Gaebler
- Kelsey Parker
- Ashlee Mick
- Monica Valdez
- Sally Carruthers
- Bridget Smith
- Sue Germaine
- Sulma Y Armendariz Pina
- Susan Reynolds
- Allison Kratzer
- Emmaline Wimberley
- Xiomara Andira Blanco de Rodriguez
- Diana Yaner
- Our Learners, Our Future: Twice-exceptional learners
- Our People, Our Strength: Staff recruitment, retention, and recognition
- Our Community, Our Legacy: Special Education Community Resource Fair
Contact Us
Special Education Department
Phone: 303-982-6682