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FCB Dashboard

In Jeffco’s strategic plan, Jeffco Thrives 2025, there are references to: 

  • A data-driven culture.
  • Increasing transparency.
  • Supporting public understanding of how resources are used and distributed.
  • The importance of partnering with the community to support student success.

​​​​​​In June 2022, the Board of Education requested that Jeffco publish the FCB dashboard, named for policy FCB and containing criteria in FCB-R. The dashboard included:

  • District-managed elementary school enrollment.
  • Capacity and related causes, such as enrollment trends over time.
  • Effects, such as cost per pupil, staffing etc.

The dashboard was a foundation for phase I of Regional Opportunities for Thriving Schools and critical conversations with the community about supporting student success during a time of declining enrollment. 

From January to April 2023, the dashboard was updated to include secondary, charter, option and Alternative Education Campus schools. It will be a permanent and ongoing source of data available to the public and initiate important community discussions around thriving schools and supporting student success. Jeffco will update the dashboard as new information becomes available. 

The FCB dashboard does not provide a complete picture of a school. However, it offers important context that can support the collaborative work of families, staff and community to ensure that all students have extraordinary student experiences that recognize their strengths, challenge them to improve and support success.

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Regional Opportunities for Thriving Schools

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