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Special School-Based Committees

Per policy FCB-R, there is a role for a special school-based committee, called a FCB committee, that receives and responds to Jeffco staff’s recommendations for closures. After the release of the initial recommendation, a FCB committee with four to seven members of the school community recommended for closure will review the recommendation. 

FCB committees for Phase II began meeting the week of September 5, 2023 to create a report that includes unanswered questions, challenges with the recommendations and opportunities and interests of the school community in making a transition. Reports were provided to the Superintendent in late September 2023.

FCB Special School-Based Committee Membership

Each FCB committee must have four to seven members and include:

  1. A parent member of the School Accountability Committee (SAC).
  2. A school staff member of the SAC.
  3. The school principal or their designee from the closing school.
  4. The school principal or their designee from the receiving school.

The FCB committee should also consider including:

  1. A representative of a community-based organization that supports the school or a school volunteer who lives in the school boundary.
  2. A classified staff member from the closing school.
  3. A parent member of the SAC from the receiving school.

In selecting members for the FCB committee, leaders should prioritize ensuring that the diversity of the committee membership reflects the school community that it serves, including shifts in community populations.

Role of the FCB Committee

FCB committees support community engagement and create school transition plans according to their school’s unique community.

Support Community Engagement: Jeffco prepares in-person meetings and online opportunities for families and staff members to learn more and provide input about the school consolidation process. Jeffco will ask for community input from families on areas that they would like the district to address as part of the transition planning. The FCB committee helps spread awareness of these opportunities to maximize participation.

School Transition Plans: FCB committees work with district partners and use community input they received to create a document that includes the challenges and opportunities with the recommended consolidation. This document is provided directly to the Superintendent and made available to the Board of Education.

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