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Jeffco Theatre Festival

Held annually in November, the Jeffco Theatre Festival is a gathering of high school students who wish to perform individual events in front of adjudicators in preparation for the annual state Thespian Conference. The festival also provides access to workshops and tours of the host facility. Student performers from around Jeffco kick off the festival, and standout performances from the day are highlighted at closing ceremonies.

Theatre Festival 2023 (Video)

The festival offers an amazing opportunity for Jeffco theatre students to explore and learn from industry professionals, showcase their talents and view other performances by students throughout the district. Workshops and presentations include focused learning targeting Priority 1 of the strategic plan: Our Learners. Our Future. Jeffco Theatre students receive high quality instructional excellence as well as extraordinary shared student experiences. . This unique learning opportunity engages everyone involved, including teachers and directors! 

The Jeffco Theatre Festival is open to all high schools in the district, but space is limited depending on the host site.

View Details on the day's Events

There are workshops and performance opportunities.

View the Day's Program

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Theatre Arts
