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Alternative Education

Jeffco Public Schools offers options for students who are interested in learning in an alternative or experiential environment.

Jeffco Open School

Alternative Schools

Jeffco offers non-traditional school options. Below are the schools that have programs for students who may be struggling in traditional school settings due to attendance, discipline or other challenges.

There are also schools that have:

  • A specific academic focus - D'Evelyn, Jeffco Open, Manning
  • Special services for students with emotional or physical challenges - Sobesky, Fletcher Miller
  • Virtual learning opportunities - Jeffco Virtual Academy. 

See the school directory for a full listing of school options.

Credit Recovery

Jeffco has a variety of options for students who are in need of recovering graduation credit.

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GED Programs

There are many programs available for Jeffco students looking to obtain their GED.

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Home-Based Education

Home-Based Education is often referred to as homeschool or homeschooling. Home-Based Education is not the same as online learning, remote learning or participating in any program through the district.

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Online Learning

Jeffco offers two online learning options through Jeffco Virtual Academy and Jeffco Remote Learning Program.

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Options for Pregnant or Parenting Teens

Jefferson County Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program (JCAPPP) provides parenting and child development classes to pregnant and parenting teens while they are attending Achieve Academy.

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