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Home-Based Education

Home-based education is also known as “home schooling.”

Per Colorado law, CRS 22-33-104.5(1), home-based education is recognized as a legitimate alternative to classroom attendance for the instruction of children. Nonpublic home-based educational programs are subject only to minimum state controls which are currently applicable to other forms of nonpublic education.

Student at Home

Home-based education is not the same as online learning, remote learning, medical homebound instruction, or participation in any program through Jeffco Public Schools related to distance, remote or online learning, or medical homebound instruction.

Students seeking a high school diploma must be enrolled in Jeffco Public Schools.

Home-School Parent Responsibilities

Parents or guardians planning to home-school their student have the following responsibilities:

  • Provide notification 14 days prior to the beginning of home-based education. Parents must notify a Colorado school district each year they are planning to provide home-based education. Notification to Jeffco can be submitted through EnrollJeffco.
  • Provide a minimum of 172 days of instruction, averaging four contact hours per day.
  • Provide instruction that includes, but is not limited to communication skills of reading, writing and speaking, mathematics, history, civics, literature, science and regular courses of instruction on the Constitution of the United States as provided in CRS 22-1-108 (see CRS 22-33-104.5 (3)(d)).
  • Have the child evaluated when the child reaches grades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 as defined in CRS 22-33-104.5 (3)(f), using a nationally normalized achievement test, and submit the results to the school district that received the letter of intent. For Jeffco, submit to the Home-Based Education Office.
  • Create and keep educational records as defined in CRS 22-33-104.5 (3)(g) including, but not limited to immunization records, attendance data and test and evaluation results, and deliver them within 14 days of a written request from the district.
  • Parents may enroll the student in a Home School Enrichment Program for support.
  • Encourage the student to attend school while the 14-day processing period is in effect and describe the consequences of truancy if the letter of intent is not received and confirmed.
  • If a student's home school has requested a case be filed with or is currently in the 1st Judicial Court because of habitual truancy, the intended curriculum must be submitted to Jeffco for review.

Frequently Asked Questions About Home Schooling

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Home-Based Education
