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Assessments in Jeffco

Assessments inform instruction and monitor student progress. Assessments should:

  • Add value to the student learning experience.
  • Engage families in supporting their students.
  • Help identify strengths, interests and opportunities for growth for all students.

A collection of assessment results can be used to help set goals, identify priorities and inform equity of access to grade-level learning.

Individual schools determine which additional assessments will support their specific student population’s learning. Each school will select specific dates within the district-provided assessment windows.

Some assessments are required by federal or state law; see information regarding state assessment participation. Families can refuse participation in state assessments for their students. Contact your student's school if you have questions about test refusals.

How to View Assessment Data on Student Insights

Jeffco's State & District Assessment Calendars

District, State and Federal Assessments

ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs)

ACCESS for English Language Learners is an annual state assessment that measures English language proficiency. Information from the assessment is used to enhance instruction and learning in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

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Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

CogAT screens all second-graders to identify exceptional potential and talent. This universal screener identifies all populations at a given grade level, including English language learners, students with special needs and those who may not be achieving on other traditional academic measures.

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Colorado Alternate Assessment (CoAlt)

CoAlt is an alternate state assessment that allows students with various cognitive disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in the content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.

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Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)

The Colorado Department of Education requires that students take the CMAS assessments annually in grades 3 through 8 and grade 11. CMAS measures grade-level expectations in English language arts, math, science and social studies, per the Colorado Academic Standards.

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DIBELS 8 & Lectura

DIBELS 8 and Lectura are  district assessments that monitor the development of early literacy skills in kindergarten through third-grade students. DIBELS 8 assesses in English, while Lectura assesses in Spanish and is used at Dual Language schools only. Both assessments  can be used as needed for students in grades 4 through 6. DIBELS 8 and Lectura are used to meet the Colorado READ Act requirements.

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Family Access to Assessment Results

Families can access their student’s  state and district assessment results and components of learning plans on demand by visiting Jeffco Student Insights. They may also request assessment results from the student's school.

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Kindergarten Early Assessment (KEA)

KEA is administered during the first 60 days of kindergarten and measures students’ learning readiness in key areas. The assessment provides a snapshot that helps teachers and families understand the strengths and needs of each student early on so they can reach their greatest potential.

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Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP is an online assessment given three times a year that measures students’ achievement and growth in English language arts, math and science. MAP provides real-time, actionable data throughout the school year so teachers can best support their students.

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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

NAEP is a federally required assessment that measures academic progress across the nation and over time. Administered every two years, it provides insights into students’ educational experiences and opportunities to learn in and outside of the classroom. It will be given in the 2023-24 school year.

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The SAT is aligned with the coursework of Colorado schools and focuses on the skills and concepts that indicate college and career readiness. The SAT also serves as an admission test and is accepted by colleges across the United States. The PSAT is the practice version of the SAT for ninth- and 10th-graders.

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Teaching Strategies GOLD

Teaching Strategies GOLD is an observational tool used in preschool that helps teachers gather information on students’ unique thinking, reasoning and language abilities. The information allows teachers to adjust instruction to the needs of each student.

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Contact Us

Assessment and Research

Phone: 303-982-6565