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Career & College Pathways

Career & College Pathways in Jeffco

Career and college pathways are a series of educational opportunities that enable students to pursue careers, college and interests after high school. Career and college readiness is a Jeffco Public Schools graduation requirement and is increasingly important, as three out of every four jobs now require education or training beyond high school.

It’s important for students to talk with their families, teachers and school counselors throughout high school as career interests emerge and develop, and to explore different college and career pathways.

Search for Courses Offered at Jeffco High Schools

Career and Technical Education

Jeffco CTE programs partner classrooms with business and industry to prepare students for real-world careers. Programs are available in neighborhood middle and high schools, as well as Warren Tech and Warren Tech North. All CTE programs offer academic, elective or college credit.

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Jeffco Career Links

Jeffco Career Links is a one-stop resource that provides tools to build connections between classrooms and careers. Career Links supports work-based learning opportunities for students to ensure their experiences are connected to their learning targets.

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Postsecondary Opportunities

There are many ways students can earn college credit while in high school, and most Jeffco high schools offer credit-earning opportunities. Students earn college credit by taking a college-level course (concurrent enrollment or dual credit) or by taking college-level exams in AP or IB courses and meeting college scoring requirements.

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High School Credit for Middle School Students

Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit by completing certain courses in middle school.

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