Partnership Opportunities
We believe that tomorrow’s careers start with today’s students. The Jeffco Career Links team would like to invite you to become a valued partner with Jeffco students and Jeffco’s team.
The goal is to connect current professionals with Jeffco students to showcase various industries and careers, and bridge connections for the future workforce within Jefferson County. As a representative of your business or organization, you will interact in various activities with students by helping them understand what partnership opportunities are available and what a career in your field can entail.
Ways to Engage
- Industry speakers
- Career counseling: networking, industry interviews and job search skill development
- School-based and district career and job fairs
- Host a job shadow
- Mentorships
- Industry-sponsored projects (ISP)
- Internships
- Apprenticeships
- Hire Jeffco youth
- Become a program advisory board member
For more information about ways to engage with students and schools please visit the Career Links webpage. For information about work-based learning (WBL), please review the Arvada Works Work-Based Learning Toolkit or watch our informational video above
How to Partner
Complete this Industry Initial Partnership Interest Form in order to learn more about partnering with Jeffco Career Links.
Career Expo 2024
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Want to share the growing careers at your office? Interested in mentoring students in your career field? How about offering job shadows or internships this spring?
Join us for the annual Jeffco Career Expo and increase your talent pipeline.
This is a unique opportunity for students to speak with industry and post-secondary professionals about a wide variety of careers and learn about work-based learning opportunities such as job shadows, capstone mentorships, internships, apprenticeships, and jobs.
Hands-on, interactive activities make this a fun event for all!
Tomorrow's careers start with today's students.
Seamless WBL
The Jeffco Career Links team utilizes Seamless WBL, a cloud-based, contact management software that enables WBL tracking and management. Future use will allow students to search WBL opportunities and manage related documents and scheduled activities. Additionally, Seamless WBL assists with Career and Technical Education (CTE) documentation and advisory board management. Industry and community can log in with accounts to manage partnerships, volunteering activities for work-based learning and post opportunities such as internships, apprenticeships and jobs once established as a partner. First-time users will need to complete the Industry Initial Partnership Interest Form.