Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment in Jeffco
Concurrent enrollment allows students to enroll and earn college credits while still in high school. Jeffco Public Schools students in grades 9-12 can enroll in their home high school and in a community college within the home school service area. Concurrent enrollment benefits students by:
- Lowering the cost of college.
- Increasing the flexibility of academic options.
- Increasing access to college coursework.
- Preparing students for college.
Jeffco offers three tuition-free programs:
Students take college-level courses offered at their school, taught by Jeffco teachers, during the regular school day.
Students, while at their high school, take live, online college courses taught by college teachers.
Students enroll in classes at local college campuses.
High School Select
Students may enroll in college-level classes offered at Jeffco high school campuses during the regular school day. These courses are taught by Jeffco teachers and are tuition-free to students.
Concurrent enrollment courses at the high school may be canceled if there is low student enrollment. This is determined by the community college.
For more information on courses, talk to your high school counselor.
To participate in High School Select, students must:
- Complete the application for the community college your high school partners with
- Arapahoe Community College
- Red Rocks Community College
Ensure that you authorize the use of your College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend. If you do not, you will have to pay a bill.
- Complete the electronic Concurrent Enrollment Agreement (CEA) provided to you by your teacher by the deadline.
- Late registration will not be accepted by our partner colleges.
- If you are taking more than one concurrent enrollment course at your high school, you will complete a separate CEA for each course, or for each program if you are a Warren Tech student.
- You must meet any posted prerequisites the course may have.
College 4 All
College 4 All, also known as C4A, is a program designed to bring concurrent enrollment opportunities to high school students across the district who may not have equitable access to concurrent enrollment within their home high school.
A variety of courses are offered each semester, and are taught by RRCC faculty. Students join their course virtually in real-time with other students from Jeffco public high schools. Courses have been scheduled to closely coincide with the first and last periods of the school day. There is no cost to students for these courses.
College 4 All courses may be canceled if there is low student enrollment.
The requirements to participate in College 4 All:
- Students must have access to a computer with a working camera and microphone that are turned on during class meetings
- Reliable internet access
- Working headphones, if the student is accessing the course in a multi-use area, such as the library
- A quiet space to participate in class. This can be at school or another counselor-approved location.
- Logging in a few minutes prior to the start of the class and remaining logged in and participating through the end of the class period--no leaving early to go to another class, sport, work, etc.
For more information, please review the Family College 4 All FAQ
Campus Select
Students who have exhausted graduation required coursework at their high school may enroll in college-level classes offered on a college campus . If the student meets the three conditions listed below, and completes the application process prior to stated deadlines, Jeffco will pay tuition for these courses, and the student is responsible for textbooks, materials and fees. The college can deny student enrollment based on space availability and college admission requirements.
Jeffco Board Policy IHCDA: Multiple credit pathways outlines the requirements for participation in Campus Select.
These three conditions must be met:
- The non-elective course exceeds what is offered on the high school campus.
- The non-elective course is not offered through another neighborhood high school or College 4 All.
- The non-elective course is a graduation requirement on the student’s Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).
To participate in Campus Select, students must:
- Meet with their home high school counselor and complete the Campus Select Student Application. The student’s ICAP must be updated to include the requested concurrent enrollment coursework.
- Complete an application for the community college within their home high school service area.
*Additional requirements apply for students who request Colorado School of Mines (CSM). See your counselor for details.
- Ensure that you authorize the use of your College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend.
- If the course request is approved, the student and family will receive and complete an electronic Concurrent Enrollment Agreement (CEA) Form and other college-required paperwork.
- Complete any prerequisites required for the course.
- All steps must be completed by the deadline prior to the semester in which the student wishes to enroll:
- Fall semester: May 15
- Spring semester: November 15
Jeffco will pay tuition for concurrent enrollment courses if the qualified student meets all the requirements listed above. Students and families are responsible for all campus fees, books, materials and transportation.
Jeffco will not pay tuition for summer courses. Online courses are not allowable unless there are documented extenuating circumstances and approval by the Director of Postsecondary Workforce Readiness.
Contact Us
Postsecondary Opportunities
Phone: 303-982-7842