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Music in Jeffco

Music education rooted in the Colorado Academic Standards is an integral part of Jeffco's core curriculum and provides students with unique experiences and skills essential for success in school and beyond. Students are provided instruction in all aspects of music: singing, playing, moving, reading, listening, analyzing, creating and performing.

Why Is Music Education Important?

According to the National Association for Music Education, "Arts education programs should be grounded in rigorous instruction, provide meaningful assessment of academic progress and performance, and take their place within a structure of direct accountability to school officials, parents, and the community. In-school programs that are fully integrated into state and local curricula afford the best potential for achieving these ends." 

Musicians are communicators, collaborators and critical and creative thinkers. They are agile and flexible, socially aware and able to understand and manage their emotions. They are resilient and persevere when challenges arise. They are artists who can express themselves and the culture around them through a lens of beauty and intellect.

"The arts have a unique ability to communicate the ideas and emotions of the human spirit.  Connecting us to our history, our traditions, and our heritage, the arts have a beauty and power unique in our culture.  At the same time, a growing body of research indicates that education in the arts provides significant cognitive benefits and bolsters academic achievement, beginning at an early age and continuing through school."

- National Association for Music Education

Visit School Finder for more information about how individual schools provide music education opportunities.

Music Curriculum

The music curriculum guides demonstrate what Jeffco students are studying by grade level as they progress through the school year. This course of study is based on the 2022 Colorado Academic Standards, developed by the Colorado Department of Education.

These guides identify the courses that are commonly taught at these grade levels. Courses can be adjusted based on the differentiated needs of individual students.

Jeffco Electives Vision

Jeffco Electives aims to be at the forefront of electives education, providing equitable programming opportunities, spaces where students belong, and experiences that endure a lifetime.

Jeffco Electives Mission

Jeffco Electives advocates for the needs of standards-aligned, robust programming; where students feel safe to take risks, explore their unique interests, develop their potential, and experience diverse perspectives.

Strategic Plan for the Arts


Jeffco’s Strategic Plan for the Arts guides our work towards providing instructional excellence and extraordinary student experiences. Jeffco Arts advocates for the needs of standards-aligned, robust programming; where students feel safe to take risks, explore their unique interests, develop their potential, and experience diverse perspectives.


In order to meet this mission, our vision is to be at the forefront of arts education, providing equitable programming opportunities, spaces where students belong, and experiences that endure a lifetime.

Contact Us

Curriculum and Instruction

Phone: 303-982-6684