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Physical Education

Physical Education in Jeffco

The mission of Physical Education (PE) in Jeffco Public Schools is to empower students with the skills, knowledge, habits and confidence to live happy, healthy and physically active lives.

PE is an important, standards-based educational component in grades kindergarten through 12th grade.

PE provides students the “motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to both value and take responsibility for a lifetime of physical activity and wellness.” (Whitehead, 2016).

Why Is Physical Education Important?

Students benefit from a quality physical education program. Physical education can help students learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle and provides the knowledge to make wise decisions concerning their safety, health and wellbeing (Heroic Hollywood, 2018). 

Research has shown a strong correlation between physical fitness and improved academic success. Plus, healthy students have fewer school absences, which also contributes to increased academic achievement. Physical education teaches positive social interactions and character development through participation in group activities.     

Visit School Finder for more information about how schools provide physical education opportunities.

Physical Education Curriculum

The PE curriculum guides demonstrate what Jeffco students are studying by grade level as they progress through the school year. This course of study is based on Colorado Academic Standards, developed by the Colorado Department of Education.

These guides identify the courses that are commonly taught at these grade levels. Courses can be adjusted based on the differentiated needs of individual students. For specific information, please contact your school.

Jeffco Electives Vision

Jeffco Electives aims to be at the forefront of electives education, providing equitable programming opportunities, spaces where students belong, and experiences that endure a lifetime.

Jeffco Electives Mission

Jeffco Electives advocates for the needs of standards-aligned, robust programming; where students feel safe to take risks, explore their unique interests, develop their potential, and experience diverse perspectives.

Contact Us

Curriculum and Instruction

Phone: 303-982-6684