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Textbook & Material Selection

Jeffco Public Schools strives to select the best learning resources available for students and has developed a selection process to ensure textbooks and educational materials meet district goals.

Selection Committee

A committee made up of professional educators, parents and community members meets each school year to evaluate learning material and make recommendations to the Board of Education, which has final approval.

The committee uses the following criteria:

  • Alignment to Jeffco curriculum, which are based on Colorado Content Standards
  • Any available student performance data from use in pilot schools
  • Any available evaluations from teachers and students (as appropriate) who have used the materials
  • The quality of language, illustrations and photographs to ensure that the materials are not discriminatory and are age-appropriate
  • Ability to meet diverse needs of students
  • Professional reviews from applicable journals and professional associations
  • Alignment with and support for the Board’s Ends Policies

The print learning resources recommended for adoption by the committee are placed in branches of the Jefferson County Public Library for review by the public for two weeks.

Approvals and Appeals

Appeals concerning learning resources can be brought by any Jefferson County citizen, student, parent or guardian of district students, or district employees.

Challenges are heard by a committee of district parents, teachers and administrators, which submits a recommendation to the Superintendent for a decision. The Superintendent submits the decision to the Board. A challenge will only result in the withdrawal of a learning resource with the Board’s final approval.

View All Approved Textbooks

District Policies