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Colorado READ Act

Colorado READ Act in Jeffco

The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act was passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2012 session. The READ Act repealed the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA), with a focus on kindergarten through third-grade reading development, as well as students significantly below grade level in reading. The law was revised in 2019.

Student posing with a book

CDE Colorado READ Act Colorado READ Act Information for Parents

Why is the READ Act Important?

The READ Act was developed to better identify students struggling with reading in the early grades. These students are more likely to catch up, compared to students who are struggling in later grades.

Early literacy is important because:

  1. Graduation, college and career preparedness are more likely possibilities for students who master reading skills by fourth grade. 
  2. Students who struggle with reading by fourth grade often face significant challenges and it’s difficult for them to catch up. 
  3. Learning to read enables a student to comprehend facts in social studies and science, understand word problems in math, and interpret increasingly complex concepts in language arts.
  4. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, students who do not read on grade level by the end of third grade greatly increase their risk of dropping out of high school.  These students are more likely to receive government assistance, including 75% of individuals receiving food stamps and 90% relying on welfare.

State Reporting

The READ Act requires districts to send the following data annually to the CDE:  

  • A report of all kindergarten through third-grade student results of approved READ assessments at the end of each school year. 
  • The core, supplemental and intervention resources and other supports that are being used in each of the kindergarten through third-grade levels.
  • A district submission of how READ Act grant dollars will be spent (which must be approved by CDE before receiving the funds).
Literacy Curriculum Transparency Icon - Colorado Read Act