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Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) empowers parents as primary educators of their children and fosters parent involvement to maximize the chances of successful early learning experiences.

Teacher reading to class

HIPPY is an evidence-based program that helps parents prepare their two, three and four-year-old children for success in school and beyond.

Home visitors, who are trained in the HIPPY curriculum, visit the home weekly to role-play the curriculum activities. Through activity packets and storybooks, HIPPY brings literacy into the home. HIPPY provides free books and reading activities available in Spanish and English.

Parents/Guardians work with their children daily, reading books and performing related activities to strengthen their children's cognitive, literacy, social-emotional and physical development. The program teaches basic concepts that include:

  • Language development
  • Problem-solving
  • Logical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Self-concept

The program year runs for 30 weeks from September through May. Jeffco HIPPY follows the Jeffco calendar. Enrollment is ongoing through December. Enrichment meetings are held monthly to connect parents with community resources and support the home-to-school connection. Jeffco HIPPY is accredited by HIPPY US.

HIPPY Family Interest Form

Contact Us

Department Name

Phone: 303-982-0014

Once you reach out, a HIPPY home visitor will follow up to set up an enrollment appointment.