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Adult ESL & Literacy

Jeffco provides both Jeffco parents and adults in the community with high-quality literacy and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to:

  • Improve English language skills.

  • Connect with educational, career and essential life resources. 

  • Develop skills to be comfortable in the U.S. and improve life quality.

Adult ESL & Literacy Logo

Jeffco creates a community of students and staff where everyone is culturally sensitive and treated with respect. Our program values include:

  • Accessibility

  • Respect, equity, cultural awareness and sensitivity

  • High-quality education

  • Continuous improvement of all members of our program

  • Collaboration (internally and externally)

  • Community empowerment/belonging/connectedness

Adult ESL Program Types

Adult ESL (Literacy and ESL for Refugees)

  • Pre-literacy, Basic literacy, Basic ESL, and Beginning ESL classes for new refugees.
  • Students learn English literacy skills and participate in community activities.
  • This program is funded by the Colorado Refugee Services Program (CRSP)

Adult ESL (Literacy and ESL for Refugees) Course Details:

  • Cost is free for Office of Refugee Resettlement-eligible people
  • Times are mornings (9:30-11:30 AM) and evenings (6-8 PM)
  • Classes are available to valid refugee, asylee or special immigrant visa holder status. We enroll students each month

Adult ESL (Community and Workforce ESL)

  • Basic through Advanced ESL classes for all non-native English speakers.
  • Students improve their English
  • Students work toward getting a career or improving their career opportunities by next taking a GED, attending a Community or Technical College, or collaborating with a Workforce Development Center in Jefferson/Clear Creek/Gilpin Counties

Adult ESL (Community and Workforce Development) Course Details:

  • Cost is $100 for 5 week term and $200 for 10 week term
  • Times are mornings (9 AM - 12 PM) and evenings (5:30 PM - 8:30 PM)
  • After enrolling, students in Adult ESL classes should meet with a career navigator to identify their career or educational goals. Setting and mapping goals supports success

Adult ESL Class Schedule

Sign Up to Receive Enrollment Information

Complete the interest form to receive an email and text at the time that the next enrollment begins: Interest form (English)

Complete el formulario de interés para recibir un correo electrónico y un mensaje de texto en el momento en que comience la próxima inscripción: Formulario de interés (Español)



Family Literacy Building
5280 W. Ohio Ave.
Lakewood, CO  80226

Jeffco Adult ESL and Literacy continue to strive to equitably serve all parents of the Jeffco Schools community. If you are a member of Jeffco Schools, please let us know how we can better serve your school.

Contact Us

Adult ESL & Literacy

Cell Phone (Call or Text): 720-392-7086

Office Phone (Calls Only): 303-982-5221


Jeffco Schools does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or age in its programs or activities.