Frequently Asked Questions About GT
Answers to Common Questions About Gifted and Talented (GT) Programs
From the identification process and the benefits of having your child identified as gifted to details about GT Centers and early admission to kindergarten, this section provides essential information.
- How are GT students identified?
- Why would I want to have my student identified as gifted?
- What is a gifted center?
- Is my 3-year-old, who can read and knows numbers, eligible for early admission to kindergarten?
- What social-emotional help will be available?
- Where can I find information and support?
- When does my student get an ALP? When during the year is it developed?
- What does “Twice Exceptional” (2e) mean?
- What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504 Plan?
- What do these acronyms stand for?
How are GT students identified?
Why would I want to have my student identified as gifted?
What is a gifted center?
Is my 3-year-old, who can read and knows numbers, eligible for early admission to kindergarten?
What social-emotional help will be available?
Where can I find information and support?
When does my student get an ALP? When during the year is it developed?
What does “Twice Exceptional” (2e) mean?
What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504 Plan?
What do these acronyms stand for?
Contact Us
Gifted and Talented
Phone: 303-982-6650
GT Resource Teachers
A GT Resource Teacher provides services to students, teachers, administrators and parents to meet individual students' needs. GT Resource Teachers serve many schools, and are not full-time at any school.
SEL & GT Counselors
A GT Counselor, also known as a Social Emotional Learning counselor (SELC), provides social-emotional learning support for GT Center classes and listens to GT Center students' concerns about academic, emotional or social concerns.
Building Leaders
Building Leaders are members of the school staff who share info from the GT Department with the individual school's community.