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GT Family Resources

The Jeffco Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program provides seminars and presentations for parents throughout the year. This page provides parent resources, documents and useful links.

Engagement Opportunites

Parent Sessions and Book Study

Jeffco's GT Social Emotional Learning Counselors (GT SELCs) are happy to support families through various offerings.  These opportunities allow families to learn about their GT children and to connect with other parents/families who understand the unique joys and challenges of raising GT kids.  There is no cost, but families must sign up to participate.  Interested families may sign up for Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents  below.
Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm at Coronado Elementary.

Virtual and In-Person options available.

Learn More and Sign Up for The 2024-25 Session


The virtual parent/family night topics include early access, ABCs of ALPs, executive function, social emotional needs of gifted children, identification in Jeffco after CogAT and secondary GT programming options.

Read More about GT Info Night

The GT Department is excited to announce that we will be offering office hours for our Parents. We will provide a convenient connection opportunity for parents and families to ask general questions about our department, GT programming in Jeffco, Center Schools, and other higher-level topics with our Resource Teachers, Social Emotional Learning counselors, and department leadership. 

Click "read more" to view the office hour schedule.

Read More about GT Office Hours for Parents

Advocating for Your Student

Parents often wonder when and how to approach their child's teacher if their child seems unhappy or not challenged in the classroom. This NAGC tip sheet on Classroom Advocacy offers some suggestions on starting this conversation to partner with your child’s teacher.

Access other advocacy resources in this GT Monthly Toolbox.

Social Emotional Resources

Jeffco’s Mental Health page has numerous resources and supports on a variety of social-emotional and mental health topics for families and students, including a monthly focus and seminar series.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK

Contact Us

Gifted and Talented

Phone: 303-982-6650

GT Resource Teachers

A GT Resource Teacher provides services to students, teachers, administrators and parents to meet individual students' needs. GT Resource Teachers serve many schools, and are not full-time at any school.

Find your GT Resource Teacher

SEL & GT Counselors

A GT Counselor, also known as a Social Emotional Learning counselor (SELC), provides social-emotional learning support for GT Center classes and listens to GT Center students' concerns about academic, emotional or social concerns.

Find your GT Counselor

Building Leaders

Building Leaders are members of the school staff who share info from the GT Department with the individual school's community.

Find Your Building Leader