GT Student Transfers
Jeffco honors Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Portability guidelines for students transferring from one Colorado school district to another with a GT identification that follows state guidelines.
If your student was in gifted programming in another district or state, contact your school’s GT Resource Teacher to see if the GT Identification is portable to Jeffco.
Families of identified students transferring into Jeffco should inform their Jeffco school’s GT Resource Teacher and provide previous identification data and documentation when they enroll in their Jeffco school.
For identified GT students who are displaced from other districts and attending Jeffco schools, see this webpage from CDE on Enrollment for Displaced Students.
Transfers from outside of Colorado
GT Identifications from outside of Colorado do not fall under CDE Portability guidelines. Each state has different benchmarks and requirements for gifted identification. If transferring from out of state, contact the GT Resource teacher of the Jeffco school you plan to attend with any relevant body of evidence (test reports, ID data sheets, letters from school districts indicating GT identification, etc.).
Jeffco GT will attempt to identify students within 45 school days of the start date in Jeffco, provided that all relevant identification body of evidence data was transferred to the Jeffco school, and that the body of evidence meets CDE identification guidelines.
However, as each state has different guidelines and benchmarks, Jeffco cannot guarantee that a student identified in another state will also be identified in Jeffco.
Transfers from another Colorado district into Jeffco
Contact the GT Resource teacher of the Jeffco school you plan to attend with any relevant body of evidence to see if the student qualifies under portability guidelines.
Jeffco GT will attempt to identify students within 45 school days of the start date in Jeffco, provided that all relevant identification body of evidence data was transferred to the Jeffco school, and that the body of evidence meets CDE portability guidelines.
Jeffco will communicate to transfer families how the district will meet the needs outlined in a student’s ALP within 60 school days of the start date if the previous district’s ALP was included with the body of evidence by the student’s start date. Re-evaluation of the student’s portfolio, if necessary, will also occur within this time.
Transferred from Jeffco to another Colorado district
Some identifications made before the 2016-17 school year may not meet portability guidelines. Contact your school’s GT Resource teacher if you plan to transfer to a school outside of Jeffco.
Contact Us
Gifted and Talented
Phone: 303-982-6650
GT Resource Teachers
A GT Resource Teacher provides services to students, teachers, administrators and parents to meet individual students' needs. GT Resource Teachers serve many schools, and are not full-time at any school.
SEL & GT Counselors
A GT Counselor, also known as a Social Emotional Learning counselor (SELC), provides social-emotional learning support for GT Center classes and listens to GT Center students' concerns about academic, emotional or social concerns.
Building Leaders
Building Leaders are members of the school staff who share info from the GT Department with the individual school's community.