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What is BrainSTEPS?

Brain STEPS Strategies Teaching Educators, Parents and Students A Brain Injury School Re-Entry Consulting Program

BrainSTEPS: Strategies Teaching Educators, Parents and Students

A Brain Injury School Re-Entry Consulting Program


Jeffco’s BrainSTEPS team is a consulting program assisting Jeffco schools in supporting students who have sustained a brain injury. The BrainSTEPS consulting program strategizes with educators, parents and students to support brain injury survivors in the school setting and  was created to build a bridge connecting the medical, rehabilitation, education sectors and families following students with brain injury. The Jeffco BrainSTEPS Team is a multidisciplinary team of professionals trained in identification and intervention for students with suspected TBI; consultants to the school-based teams, families, and students we serve in our district.

As a result of acquired brain injury, many students return to school with lingering effects that impact classroom performance. BrainSTEPS CO has been designed to consult with school teams and families in the development and delivery of educational services for students who have experienced acquired brain injury.

  • Traumatic brain injuries: brain injuries including concussion (mTBI), moderate and severe caused by an external physical force (e.g. sports/recreational activities, falls, assault, motor vehicle accidents, penetrating object, non-accidental abusive head trauma (previously known as shaken baby syndrome)
  • Non-traumatic brain injuries: brain injuries caused by an internal event (e.g. strokes, brain tumors, brain infections, tumors, aneurysms, and anoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain), brain infections such as encephalitis, meningitis, toxic or metabolic injury, viruses).
  • Congenital brain injuries (in-utero strokes, substance exposure, FASD)

BrainSTEPS CO works not only on re-entry for students following brain injury but also with students previously identified as having a brain injury who may begin to demonstrate educational challenges over the years as the brain develops and matures.

BrainSTEPS CO was created in 2016 and is implemented by the Department of Education with funding from MINDSOURCE Brain Injury Network within the Colorado Department of Human Services.

Brain Injury Graphic

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

  • External Forces–TBIs are categorized by the severity of the initial blow: mild TBI, moderate TBI, or severe TBI
  • Internal Forces–Includes things like stroke, anoxia, tumor, infection, aneurysm, metabolic disorders, or toxic exposure


Jeffco Public Schools BrainSTEPS Team

The BrainSTEPS team is a multidisciplinary team within Jeffco Public Schools that has specialized training to help support students with brain injuries. The team may be composed of learning specialists, mental health professionals, physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and nurses.

Building Blocks of Brain Development

BrainSTEPS team members consult with schools regarding IDEA identification, IEP/504 Plan development, possible interventions, and implementation based on the Building Blocks of Brain Development© framework. Teams also consult on school re-entry planning and other issues school professionals face in supporting students with brain injuries.



Contact Us

Special Education

Phone: 303-982-6682