Jeffco Public Schools offers services for the diverse needs of our students, families and communities.
Featured Services
Jeffco Public Schools provides extracurricular opportunities that create comprehensive, inclusive and positive experiences for all students, sponsors and communities. Activities offered at the high school level include choral music, drama, eSports, newspaper and speech and debate.
Athletics are an extension of the classroom and an important part of Jeffco’s comprehensive educational philosophy. Jeffco offers every sport that is sanctioned by the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA).
Communication Services executes internal and external communications, community relations and outreach, public relations, school marketing and emergency and crisis communications.
Facilities maintains, services and improves Jeffco’s 12 million square feet of schools and support buildings, valued at nearly $2.75 billion on 3,100 acres of land. The Facilities Department includes Building Maintenance and Site Maintenance, Construction Management, Custodial Services, Environmental Services, Facilities Service Desk and Planning & Property.
Family, & Community Partnerships offers programs, services and resources that support student success. Strong family, school and community partnerships improve student well-being and academic outcomes.
Financial Services provides for the effective and transparent management of the district’s resources. The Financial Services team partners with schools and departments to manage financial forecasting, budgeting, grants and accounting.
Food & Nutrition Services provides over 6 million meals each year made by over 450 full- and part-time employees. Food & Nutrition Services is self-supporting, meaning no General Fund monies support its operations. Jeffco builds healthy futures for students by offering balanced meals and snacks every day.
Health and Wellness services include Jeffco’s mental health supports, Health Services and Healthy Schools.
Health Services focuses on students’ physical health and well-being, removing obstacles that might affect their ability to learn.
Legal Services advances Jeffco’s interests and educational mission by delivering effective and efficient legal services and counsel to the Board of Education and district leadership.
Jeffco’s Mental Health professionals actively seek to inform, inspire and engage our community about the many facets of mental health issues in our students, staff and families.
The Department of School Safety has over 150 safety and security staff who work 24 hours a day to protect Jeffco’s schools. This includes Campus Security, Dispatch, Emergency Management, Armed Patrol and Behavioral Threat Management.
The Student Records Center provides access to student records, verifying student enrollment status, data privacy and education verification.
The Information Technology (IT) division increases digital equity, enables district data culture and supports future-focused sustainability.
The Transportation Department provides service for the more than 65,000 students who attend the 140 schools across nearly 800 square miles. Jeffco bus routes cover more than four million miles each year, including city streets and mountain roads at high elevations.
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Acceleration moves students through an educational program at a rate faster or at an age that is younger than typical. This can include grade skipping, moving ahead in a subject or other ways to provide greater challenges.
Jeffco Public Schools provides extracurricular opportunities that create comprehensive, inclusive and positive experiences for all students, sponsors and communities. Activities offered at the high school level include choral music, drama, eSports, newspaper and speech and debate.
Adapted physical education provides a modified physical education program to students who have motor developmental delays.
The Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) for identified gifted students is used as a guide for educational planning, programming and decision-making.
Advanced Placement (AP) courses give Jeffco students a path to earn college credit. Qualifying grades on end-of-term AP exams may earn 3 to 6 credits for a single course, saving the student time and money in college. AP results are widely accepted for credit at most U.S. universities.
Affective Needs (AN) programming is for students who may have significant emotional disorders, behaviors or problems that affect their ability to function in a general school environment or access the general curriculum.
Jeffco offers many alternative education programs to support students, including credit recovery, GED programs, home-based education, online learning and the adolescent pregnancy and parenting program.
ASCENT and TREP are state-funded programs that cover college tuition and fees while keeping students enrolled at their home high school.
Jeffco administers district, state and federal assessments to inform instruction and monitor student progress.
View information on Jeffco’s stadiums and athletics complexes, including locations, layout, visitor seating, ticketing and more.
Athletics are an extension of the classroom and an important part of Jeffco’s comprehensive educational philosophy. Jeffco offers every sport that is sanctioned by the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA).
Programs designed to meet the educational needs of students with autism provide a structured teaching approach to learning. As with any student qualifying for special education services, the Individual Education Plan (IEP) will direct the program.
Jeffco provides quality before- and after-school student enrichment programming at many schools across the district.
Jeffco developed policies in response to state and federal statutes and to give direction to the educational process. These policies are intended to protect the rights and well-being of our students and staff and are revised as needed to meet the district’s mission to provide a quality education that prepares all students for a successful future.
Access meeting schedules and minutes, and learn more about the role of board advisory committees.
The board follows an approved framework to understand legislative priorities and their impacts Jeffco students, families and staff.
Access Jeffco BoardDocs to find Board meeting agendas, policies, news and important documents.
Jeffco Public Schools negotiates a collective bargaining agreement with two entities, the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA) and the Jeffco Education Support Professionals Association (JESPA).
Jeffco’s volunteer five-member Board of Education is the policy-making body of the school district, and its powers and duties are set by state law. The Board is responsible for planning and evaluation, staffing and appraisal, school facilities, financial resources and communication.
The Board’s recognition program selects individuals who go above and beyond to achieve an award or accomplishment. Each month at a regular board meeting during the school year, these individuals are celebrated by the Board.
Jeffco’s 2023-24 boundary study seeks to better understand enrollment trends so the district operates as efficiently as possible and provides a high-quality education to all students.
The BrainSTEPS team is a multidisciplinary team within Jeffco Public Schools that has specialized training to help support students with brain injuries.
District buildings, fields and other facilities can be requested for use by the community, such as for meetings and athletic events.
Jeffco leaders attend events across the district to celebrate our schools and strengthen relationships with Jeffco families and community partners in support of student success.
Find information on bus routes and transportation services for Jeffco students.
Career and college pathways are a series of education opportunities that enable students to pursue careers, college and interests after high school.
Jeffco CTE programs partner classrooms with business and industry to prepare students for real-world careers. Programs are available in neighborhood middle and high schools, as well as Warren Tech and Warren Tech North. All CTE programs offer academic, elective or college credit.
Child Welfare Programming supports students who have experienced out-of-home placement through supports such as Fostering Opportunities.
View the collective bargaining agreements for the Jefferson County Administrators Association (JCAA), Jeffco Education Support Professionals Association (JESPA) and Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA).
College 4 All, or “C4A”, is Jeffco’s live, online concurrent enrollment program that allows students to take tuition-free college courses while at their high school.
The Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) is a law that allows public access to many government records.
The READ Act helps identify kindergarten through third-grade students who need support to attain grade-level proficiency in literacy.
Communication Services executes internal and external communications, community relations and outreach, public relations, school marketing and emergency and crisis communications.
Community and Family Connections program (formerly Homeless Services) provides comprehensive support to students experiencing homelessness in Jefferson County through identification and assessment of individual need.
Community partnerships are essential to support the success of our students and families. We recognize the strengths and talents that exist in the communities that influence student learning and development and seek to use these to strengthen and support schools, students and their families.
Computer science promotes logic, problem-solving and creativity.
Concurrent enrollment allows students to enroll and earn college credits while still in high school, lowering the cost of college, among other benefits.
Jeffco Public Schools recognizes the growing concern with injuries resulting in concussion or concussion-like symptoms. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), or concussion, in children is a rapidly growing public health concern.
Jeffco has a variety of options for students who are in need of recovering graduation credit.
Jeffco Public Schools offers curriculum and academic programs designed to give students the skills they need to compete in college or the workplace.
Jeffco is launching a new data governance initiative that includes assessment of current data management practices and implementation of new processes and policies.
Jeffco understands its responsibility to protect student and staff data privacy. This is done through a menu of safeguards that include encryption of stored data, authentication for users and a layered defense to protect the network and its perimeter, among others.
Deaf and hard of hearing programming serves students with hearing loss whose needs require intensive services by teachers of the deaf or hard of hearing, audiologists, speech and language therapists and mental health staff.
Students are responsible for their TechforEd devices. All new Chromebooks come with a case and screen protector that are required to maintain their warranty. Jeffco will repair all Chromebooks. Students should turn in broken devices to their school and will be provided a different device.
Jeffco believes students should gain the skills to be digital learners, leaders and citizens. To that end, the district provides a consistent set of tools and resources to support digital literacy, citizenship and wellness for schools, families and students.
Jeffco offers a menu of supported digital tools that expand equitable experiences essential for students to thrive and supports teachers with professional learning and lesson ideas.
Thank you for your interest in supporting Jeffco Public Schools. There are two ways to donate to schools.
Dropout Prevention and Re-engagement is dedicated to reengaging students who are at-risk of dropping out or who have dropped out of or are truant from school. This office works to connect students and families to the educational, social and community supports that prepare them for a successful future.
Dual enrollment allows students to enroll in and earn college credits while still in high school. Dual enrollment has a tuition cost, unlike concurrent enrollment.
Dual Language education in Jeffco is designed to promote reading, writing and learning in Spanish and English in all subject areas. Dual Language programs are part of the department of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE).
Jeffco is committed to raising awareness and providing resources about dyslexia to enhance educational support for students.
Early access to elementary school for highly advanced gifted children may be granted based on evidence and board policy requirements.
Early Childhood Special Education Services offer a continuum of support to meet a student's individual needs.
Early Learning in Jeffco is an academically and developmentally focused experience that provides students with early literacy and numeracy skills, as well as authentic learning experiences, so they come to kindergarten ready to learn.
Jeffco has a rich tradition of attracting and supporting the most effective teachers and administrators in the classroom and at every school – a tradition of excellence in agreement with Colorado’s Educator Effectiveness Law.
The Elevate Education podcast, presented by Jeffco Public Schools explores topics in education, providing valuable insights, expert interviews and practical advice to parents, students, school leaders and the community!
Jeffco’s benefits package is an important part of compensation and can help you make decisions.
HR compensation programs follow best practices through the different stages of the candidate recruiting process and employee life cycle. HR is legally compliant with all laws, such as the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) Equal Pay Act (EPA), and Title VII.
Jeffco’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program provides tailored support for multilingual learners in their linguistic development in order to demonstrate grade-level competency in their academic courses. Adult ESL & Literacy helps adults improve their language skills and connect them with additional educational, career and essential life resources. ESL programs are part of the department of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE).
The English language arts team strives to foster literacy excellence, strengthen literacy instruction, prepare students as global citizens and promote diversity and inclusion so students thrive during and beyond their education in Jeffco Public Schools.
With EnrollJeffco, you can enroll in your neighborhood school or choice enroll at a different school that may be a better fit for your student's unique needs.
Jeffco Environmental Services works to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, including asbestos management and water testing.
Federal stimulus relief funds called Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds have been allocated by Congress to state education agencies and local school districts to help with the unexpected expenses from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jeffco offers many extended learning programs to support students and families, including before and aftercare school-aged enrichment programs, summer learning and Outdoor Lab.
Facilities maintains, services and improves Jeffco’s 12 million square feet of schools and support buildings, valued at nearly $2.75 billion on 3,100 acres of land. The Facilities Department includes Building Maintenance and Site Maintenance, Construction Management, Custodial Services, Environmental Services, Facilities Service Desk and Planning & Property.
Consultants and contractors who want the ability to bid on upcoming Jeffco projects can be placed on the district’s approved vendor.
Planning & Property also assesses and reports on the condition of district facilities, ensuring the educational adequacy of all instructional spaces.
Family, & Community Partnerships offers programs, services and resources that support student success. Strong family, school and community partnerships improve student well-being and academic outcomes.
Family Ambassadors create connections, build capacity, and grow community so that all newcomer families are fully equipped, empowered and engaged in their child’s education.
The Family Response Service Team (FRST) is the main point of contact for Jeffco families who need help connecting to school and district resources.
Federal Programs work to provide access, equity, and opportunity in order to ensure the success of all students.
Jeffco’s fifth-grade curriculum ensures students have the knowledge and skills to succeed in middle school.
Financial Services provides for the effective and transparent management of the district’s resources. The Financial Services team partners with schools and departments to manage financial forecasting, budgeting, grants and accounting.
Jeffco provides a clear view of how tax dollars are spent and how the district operates. Use the searchable payment review database to track expenses and view salary schedules.
Jeffco’s first-grade curriculum provides standards-aligned core content in literacy, math, science and social studies.
Food & Nutrition Services provides over 6 million meals each year made by over 450 full- and part-time employees. Food & Nutrition Services is self-supporting, meaning no General Fund monies support its operations. Jeffco builds healthy futures for students by offering balanced meals and snacks every day.
The fourth-grade curriculum outlines the content students are expected to learn as they progress toward fifth grade.
There are many programs available for Jeffco students looking to obtain their GED.
Gifted and Talented (GT) students are learners who demonstrate exceptional abilities, talents or potential in one or more areas. Learn more about the types of GT programs, interventions and assistance offered through Jeffco.
Colorado and Jeffco Public Schools are committed to educating students so they enter the workforce with in-demand skills that meet business, industry and higher education standards.
Gifted centers are located in regular school settings and provide full-time educational experiences. Instruction involves acceleration, enrichment and attention to affective needs.
Jeffco screens all students in 2nd grade using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Learn about different categories of giftedness and steps families can take to request GT identification for their student.
Jeffco offers online GT courses through Jeffco Virtual Academy (JVA) for middle school students.
Jeffco honors Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Portability guidelines for students transferring from one Colorado school district to another with a GT identification that follows state guidelines.
Jeffco Public Schools partners with Hazel Health, Inc. to provide free, additional physical and mental health care services for students. This a telehealth extension of support to Jeffco students enrolled at district-managed schools.
Health and Wellness services include Jeffco’s mental health supports, Health Services and Healthy Schools.
Health education provides content and skills to support lifelong health and wellness.
Jeffco Public Schools' Certified Application Assistance Site (CAAS) operates through the Jeffco Public Schools Community and Family Connections (CFC) program. CFC assists any individuals inquiring about Health First Colorado (Medicaid), Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) and other health-related resources.
Health Services focuses on students’ physical health and well-being, removing obstacles that might affect their ability to learn.
The mission of Healthy Schools is to support school culture, policy and environments that promote healthy lifestyle choices, life skills and attitudes that benefit students, families and staff.
Hearing and vision screenings are conducted for students in their schools according to the Colorado Department of Education guidelines.
Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit by completing certain courses in middle school.
Jeffco’s high school course of study is based on Colorado Academic Standards and prepares students for success in their postsecondary endeavors.
Home instruction is another layer of support for Jeffco families with children ages birth-5.
PAT (Parents as Teachers)
HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) is an evidence-based intervention program that helps parents prepare their two, three and four-year-old children for success in school and beyond.
Home-Based Education is often referred to as homeschool or homeschooling. Home-Based Education is not the same as online learning, remote learning or participating in any program through the district.
Weather can impact school-day operations. View Jeffco’s inclement weather policies and procedures.
International Baccalaureate’s rigorous courses promote creativity, critical thinking and international understanding. Students may earn college credit by scoring a 4 or higher on IB exams. Those who complete the IB Diploma Programme at a minimum receive 24 semester college credits.
International Student Exchange welcomes students from around the world for a semester or a full year of study.
The district’s capital improvement program uses voter-approved bond revenue to fund essential construction projects.
Jeffco Career Links is a one-stop resource that provides tools to build connections between classrooms and careers. Career Links supports work-based learning opportunities for students to ensure their experiences are connected to their learning targets.
See the latest coverage in Jeffco sports.
Families can request support through the community JeffcoHelp portal. Submit a ticket for support or access a searchable library of self-help articles.
Following a 2019 Board of Education vote, Jeffco began constructing a private fiber utility to provide network access for district administrative sites and schools, with the overall goal of robust connectivity and equitable bandwidth for all students and staff.
The kindergarten curriculum provides early learners with the foundational skills needed for future success.
Legal Services advances Jeffco’s interests and educational mission by delivering effective and efficient legal services and counsel to the Board of Education and district leadership.
The Department of Health Services at Jeffco Public Schools recognizes that any student or family can have lice. Jeffco’s district nurses follow several protocols and are an excellent resource for school administration, teachers, parents and families.
Jeffco Public Schools is located in Jefferson County, Colorado. At the base of the foothills and the entry point to the Rocky Mountains, Jefferson County has over a half million residents and is close to Denver.
Comcast and Centurylink offer low-cost internet services through the federal Affordable Connectivity Program. Financial support can be requested through the Jeffco Schools Foundation. Jeffco IT is also able to offer long-term hotspots to qualifying students for remote learning.
The Jeffco math curriculum is built on the principle that all students are capable learners of grade-level math. They are encouraged to use their current understanding of math, their lived experiences and the world around them as resources for problem-solving.
Add funds to meal accounts, view menus, find applications and create accounts.
Meal prices for breakfast and for lunch expenses that are not included in the free lunch for all students.
Families must complete the required forms and have them signed by their healthcare provider if their student has a condition that requires the administration of any medication during the school day.
The Jeffco Finance, Planning & Analysis department produces annual enrollment projections, an important tool used in district operations.
Jeffco strives to keep our students, staff, and families informed and engaged in discussions about various aspects of mental health affecting our community.
Jeffco’s Mental Health professionals actively seek to inform, inspire and engage our community about the many facets of mental health issues in our students, staff and families.
Bridging Connections is a mentorship program that provides youth with positive adult connections to help guide them with life skills and goal planning that prepare them to be confident, self-advocates and successful adults.
See school menus on SchoolCafé.
The middle school curriculum outlines the course content taught in sixth, seventh and eighth grades to prepare students for high school and beyond.
The Mobile Welcome Center (MWC) provides wraparound services and supports to families across Jeffco.
Jeffco Public Schools uses a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) framework to organize and provide academic and social, emotional, and behavioral instruction and supports to ensure that every student receives what they need in order to be successful.
Music education rooted in the Colorado Academic Standards provides students with unique experiences and skills essential for success in school and beyond. Students are given instruction in all aspects of music: singing, playing, moving, reading, listening, analyzing, creating and performing.
The Native American Education Program supports educational success and increases belonging through the use of culturally responsive practices with Native and Indigenous students and families.
Jeffco Public Schools provides a safe learning and work environment where all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect.
Jeffco offers two online learning options through Jeffco Virtual Academy and Jeffco Remote Learning Program.
Jefferson County Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program (JCAPPP) provides parenting and child development classes to pregnant and parenting teens while they are attending Achieve Academy.
Outdoor Lab is a unique program that provides students with an authentic, hands-on learning experience in an outdoor setting.
View information on eligibility, fees, handbooks and requirements to participate in Jeffco athletics.
Electronic flyers are sent via email from the district to all families and employees twice a week through our partnership with Peachjar (opt-out available). Schools may also send Peachjar emails to families and staff.
Research has shown a strong correlation between physical fitness and improved academic success. Jeffco’s PE curriculum empowers students with the skills, knowledge, habits and confidence to live happy, healthy, active lives.
There are many ways students can earn college credit while in high school, and most Jeffco high schools offer credit-earning opportunities. Students earn college credit by taking a college-level course (concurrent enrollment or dual credit) or by taking college-level exams in AP or IB courses and meeting college scoring requirements.
Jeffco preschool programs provide a childhood experience filled with play, adventure, investigation, exploration and friendship. Each child is unique and all children can learn. Jeffco’s preschool programs ensure families and children feel at home and part of a warm, supportive and inclusive community.
Preschool in Jeffco focuses on the whole child, including social-emotional development as well as content knowledge. Programs ensure families and young learners feel part of a warm, supportive and inclusive community.
Learn more about the cost of preschool and opportunities for financial assistance through Universal Preschool (UPK), Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and Jumpstart.
The Procurement Department ensures that the products and services needed to operate Jeffco schools and departments meet district standards and are purchased at the best value.
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is work conducted by students over a period of time to solve real-world problems or answer complex questions.
Jeffco leadership is currently considering the future of unused district properties. Each process will be thorough, transparent and involve diverse stakeholders.
The Jeffco Public Schools Research & Assessment Design team conducts program evaluations and educational research studies and develops large-scale analyses and surveys.
The Restorative Practices team is key to supporting this work in schools. Restorative Practices engages in every phase of the prevention and intervention continuum as well, teaching accountability, responsibility and reflection.
The Department of School Safety has over 150 safety and security staff who work 24 hours a day to protect Jeffco’s schools. This includes Campus Security, Dispatch, Emergency Management, Armed Patrol and Behavioral Threat Management.
With School Finder, there are three easy ways to learn about schools:
- By name
- By proximity
- By other criteria like Dual Language, special education, gifted, Montessori, Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and more.
With School Insights you can view data on school culture, teacher-to-student ratios, student academic performance and information about each school.
The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) assists young adults with disabilities in making the transition from school to employment.
SchoolMessenger helps Jeffco communicate regularly with parents and staff 24 hours a day, in multiple languages through phone calls, email and text messaging. District and school messages and emergency notifications are sent using SchoolMessenger.
The Jeffco science curriculum fosters scientific literacy in students. Quality, equitable science programming, resources and professional learning are developed based on research to support thriving, scientifically minded thinkers.
The Jeffco Seal of Biliteracy is a recognition for students who can demonstrate a high level of proficiency in at least one world language in addition to English by high school graduation.
The second-grade curriculum ensures younger students are prepared to achieve in third grade and beyond.
As a public entity that accepts credit card payments for various reasons, Jeffco takes steps to ensure credit card-related data is secure for families and employees.
Significant Support Needs (SSN) programs offer special education and related services for students with severe developmental delays in multiple areas, such as cognitive, speech, language or motor delays.
Nutrition standards, healthy a la carte offerings and food fundraisers.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which students and adults gain and apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to deal effectively with daily tasks and challenges.
Jeffco’s social media guidelines provide information on social media use at the district, school and department level.
The Jeffco social studies curriculum builds a base in early learners on which deeper knowledge and understanding can grow, leading to rigorous instruction in the higher grades in geography, civics, history, economics and more.
Digital resources play a necessary role in delivering a quality education to Jeffco students. The district vets commonly used software titles to safeguard student privacy and data.
SPARKS is a GT enrichment program offered during the summer for Jeffco GT students.
What to do if your student has an allergy or medical diagnosis that affects the foods they can eat.
Jeffco Public Schools offers a full spectrum of Special Education services that focus on ensuring students with disabilities receive specially designed instruction in the least restrictive environment to meet their unique educational needs.
There are many special education schools and specialty programs to support students in Jeffco Public Schools.
Find information on special needs transportation services for Jeffco students.
Jeffco Public Schools offers numerous programs for our students including project-based learning, STEM education, study abroad opportunities, and more.
Athletic trainers provide specialized pediatric care to students at 18 high schools across the school district thanks to a partnership with Children’s Hospital Colorado.
View high school athletic schedules by sport and season.
Jeffco’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs embrace a student-driven, inquiry-embedded instructional approach, utilizing educational models such as project- or problem-based learning and design thinking.
Parents and guardians of Jeffco Public Schools students can purchase student accident, athletic and dental insurance coverage.
All families receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2024-25 school year. Families that are eligible for free and reduced lunch are still encouraged to complete the Student Benefits Application to receive other benefits.
The Student Engagement Office enhances the overall educational experiences and outcomes of all students through support for educators and leaders, system and program innovation, and fostering collaborative school and community partnerships.
The Financial Services team helps schools establish fair and transparent fees, consistent with state statute.
The Jeffco Student Leadership Board (JSLB) is a dynamic and diverse group of high school student representatives from each Jeffco high school that is committed to fostering positive change, inclusivity and empowerment.
The Student Records Center provides access to student records, verifying student enrollment status, data privacy and education verification.
Jeffco Public Schools provides budgetary resources to schools through a hybrid approach that combines student-based funds with staff that are allocated and funded from department budgets.
Students can pursue opportunities to study abroad through one of Jeffco’s approved exchange agencies.
Jeffco offers summer programs to help students continue their learning.
Talent Pool is a group of students who demonstrate exceptional ability in a particular area but at this time still need to meet the formal criteria for GT identification.
Jeffco IT supports students and families in a variety of areas, including password resets, device troubleshooting, systems status alerts and other issues.
Jeffco’s “one-to-one” technology program means all students can access a personalized district-purchased and managed Chromebook, closing the digital-device divide and addressing classroom inequities to transform learning.
The Information Technology (IT) division increases digital equity, enables district data culture and supports future-focused sustainability.
The Jeffco Technology and Data Privacy Advisory Committee (TDPAC) advises the Board of Education on technology strategies, systems and data governance.
The Jeffco theatre curriculum provides opportunities for students to participate in experiential learning and realize their creative vision. Studies show that sustained learning in theatre correlates to greater success in academics, as well.
The third-grade curriculum in Jeffco builds on earlier learning so students are ready for success in the higher elementary grades.
Jeffco Public Schools is committed to providing a work and learning environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, which includes sexual harassment.
Translations & Interpretation Services support families by facilitating oral and written communication between speakers of two different languages.
The Transportation Department provides service for the more than 65,000 students who attend the 140 schools across nearly 800 square miles. Jeffco bus routes cover more than four million miles each year, including city streets and mountain roads at high elevations.
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) defines twice-exceptional (2e) students as gifted students with disabilities.
Jeffco provides a quality visual arts curriculum that balances art creation, critique and analysis, and history. Students receive a curriculum based on the Colorado Academic Standards in drawing, painting, digital media and more.
Volunteers in Jeffco share their knowledge, skills, and expertise to make an impact on the academic lives of our students and the greater community.
Jeffco is creating a volunteer application process and directory to help match volunteers to schools and schools to volunteers. We intend to begin tracking volunteer hours and type to measure system-wide impact.
Learn about Jeffco’s comprehensive redesign of district and school websites and provide feedback on your experience.
Language, culture and communication are at the heart of the human experience, and world language programs in Jeffco invite students to explore the world and their place in it through the study of languages and cultures.