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Jeffco Public Schools partners with Peachjar – an electronic flyer distribution system that streamlines school-to-home information. By using Peachjar, schools and community partners save paper, reduce costs and save time. Flyers distributed through Peachjar include approved flyers from schools, parent groups, community organizations and district departments. 

  • Jeffco’s district distribution schedule includes Tuesdays and Fridays.
  • All flyers undergo an approval process and remain on our Peachjar webpage for 30 days after distribution.
  • Families may unsubscribe from Peachjar at any time.
    • Note: you may miss out on important information about school events and opportunities for your child.

peachjar logo

Community Organization Submission Instructions:

Disclaimer: Community Organizations will need to pay for Peachjar services. Learn more about Community Organization pricing on the Peachjar website. 

  1. The organization submitting a flyer must be the lead for hosting, managing, and collecting any fees for the event, activity or program being promoted.

  2. Flyers should be submitted in both English and Spanish to provide equitable access to more Jeffco students and families.

  3. Flyers from community organizations must include the following disclaimer:

    • "Jeffco Public Schools neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material. The district accepts no liability or responsibility for the program/activity. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service."

  4. Visit Peachjar to register as a Community Organization.

    • The activity or event must be an appropriate for educational or enrichment purposes and geared toward students in Preschool through 12th grade.

    • The organization will upload the flyer(s).

    • The organization will select the school(s) they would like the flyer to be distributed to.

    • Flyers will remain active for 30 days after the distribution date.

    • The organization will choose 1 distribution. If another distribution is needed, the flyer must be uploaded again.

  5. When a flyer is uploaded, it is automatically submitted to the district for review. The district will determine if the request conforms to district policies, including, but not limited to district policy KFD. Reviews for th flyer submissions within 1-2 business days, excluding holidays and breaks. Please submit your flyers well in advance for optimal promotion opportunities.

  6. Organizations will be notified via email when the flyer is approved or if there are questions/concerns.

Flyer Approval Guidelines:

Flyers submitted through Peachjar to Jeffco Public Schools families:

  • Should support the basic educational mission of the district and directly benefit the students or be of intrinsic value to the students.

  • Should not promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, movies, or products unsuitable for children.

  • Should not be lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous.

  • Should not discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration.

  • Should not incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.

  • Should not promote any particular political interest, candidate, party, or ballot measure, unless the candidates or advocates from all sides are provided the opportunity to present their views to the students during school hours or scheduled events.

  • Should not imply the school district’s endorsement of any identified product or service.

Jeffco Public Schools does not approve the distribution of flyers that:

  • Publicize, promote, or disparage a particular church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or other house of worship, or any religious organization or religious viewpoint

  • Publicize, promote, or disparage a particular political party, political organization, candidate for office, ballot initiative, or political viewpoint

  • The district deems not suitable for children or adolescents

  • Promote or are associated with illegal or mind-altering drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, firearms, or violence;

  • Are otherwise contrary to district policies and mission of Jeffco Public Schools

Contact Us

Communications Services

Phone: 303-982-6808
Media Inquiry: