Jeffco Public Schools uses SchoolMessenger to provide quick alert messaging to parents and staff.
SchoolMessenger helps Jeffco schools' ability to communicate regularly with parents and staff 24 hours a day, in multiple languages, using voice messages, email and text messaging, if parents opt-in.
The contact information you submit via Campus Parent Portal during registration feeds into SchoolMessenger so there is no need to sign up separately. To ensure receipt of these messages, including emergency messaging, make sure to keep your information up to date in Campus Parent Portal and do not unsubscribe or block any district or school messages.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What type of messages will I receive from SchoolMessenger?
- Is SchoolMessenger secure?
- Can messages be sent in languages other than English?
- How can I activate text messaging?
- Can I receive information on my students at a long-distance number?
What type of messages will I receive from SchoolMessenger?
Is SchoolMessenger secure?
Can messages be sent in languages other than English?
How can I activate text messaging?
Can I receive information on my students at a long-distance number?
Contact Us
Communications Services
Phone: 303-982-6808
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