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Federal Programs

The Department of Federal Programs provides access, equity and opportunity in order to ensure the success of all students.

The office administers the federal Title I program, or the Every Student Succeeds Act, for Jeffco Public Schools.

What is Title I?

The purpose of Title I, Part A is to provide resources to schools and districts to ensure that all children have a fair, equitable and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and close educational achievement gaps.

Title I, Part A is the largest federal program supporting both elementary and secondary education. The program's resources are allocated based on the poverty rate.

Title I, Part A is intended to support local education agencies in:

  • Improving teaching by promoting effective instruction for at-risk children and for enriched and accelerated programs;

  • Encouraging school-based improvement planning:

  • Establishing accountability based on results;

  • Promoting meaningful parent and family engagement;

  • Coordinating with health and social services agencies.

The Federal Programs office monitors federal programs to ensure that: every child has a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education; programs comply with federal requirements that are most closely related to positive outcomes for students; and taxpayer dollars are administered and used in accordance with how Congress and the United States Department of Education intended.

Title I Schools and Institutions

For the 2023-24 school year, the Title I program will serve students at 33 Jeffco schools with a poverty rate of 55% or higher and four neglected or delinquent institutions for youth in Jefferson County.

2024-25 Jeffco Title I Funded Schools and Institutions.

There are two types of Title I schools: those receiving either schoolwide or targeted assistance.

Itinerant Guest Teachers

Title I school-based itinerant guest teachers ensure there is a quality teacher in every classroom and are an integral part of the Jeffco team. They are responsible for the delivery of specified course content in the absence of the classroom teacher and for providing a safe educational atmosphere where students have the opportunity to fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional and psychological growth.

Title I school-based itinerant guest teachers work for the full school year at an assigned pair of Title I schools.

2024-25 List of TI-IGT School Placements

Stakeholder Meetings

The Federal Programs office meets regularly with stakeholders, including principals, teachers, liaisons and families in order to:

  • Stand united in our efforts to provide access, equity and opportunity to ensure that every child achieves.
  • Provide reflection, perspective, feedback, ideas and guidance in sharing recommendations to Title I. 
  • Create processes so work is streamlined and efficient.
  • Have aligned two-way communication and gather feedback from our colleagues.

2024-25 TI Stakeholder Committee Meeting Dates (TI-PAC, TI-TAC, & TI-LAC)

TI-LAC Representatives and Schedule of Meetings

TI-PAC Representatives and Schedule of Meetings

TI-FAC Meeting Agenda 24-25

Contact Us

Department of Federal Programs

Phone: 303-982-0835