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Smart Snacks

The USDA implemented the Smart Snacks in Schools regulations to require that all food and beverage items sold during the school day meet specific nutrition standards, like school breakfast and lunch. 

Standard school meals and a la carte items like Smart Snacks, extra servings of fruit, vegetables or entrees are offered daily. Jeffco supports families’ decisions to allow or not allow their student to purchase these items. To limit your student’s purchase of a la carte offerings, log into your School Café account or complete the form below and submit it to your school’s Kitchen Manager.

2024-25 A la Carte List 

The USDA published a fact sheet with specific information regarding Smart Snacks and can be found here: Smart Snacks Facts.

Food Fundraisers in Schools

Food-based fundraisers in schools must follow nutrition standards in the Smart Snacks regulations.

There is no limit to the number of non-food-based fundraisers.

There is no limit to the number of food-based fundraisers when the food being sold meets Smart Snacks requirements and is not sold 30 minutes before or after school meal periods.

The Colorado Department of Education will allow three food-based fundraisers exempt from the Smart Snack guidelines per school year, but these fundraisers cannot occur 30 minutes before, during, or after meal service periods.

These rules do not apply to food fundraisers that are sold outside of the normal school day and for foods that are meant to be consumed outside of school.

Contact Us

Food & Nutrition Services

Phone: 303-982-6748
SchoolCafé Help: 1-855-729-2328

FNS School Contact List