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Student Accident Insurance

Parents and guardians of Jeffco Public Schools students can purchase student accident, athletic and dental insurance coverage.

The plan is serviced by K&K Insurance Group Inc. If students are covered under their parent’s or guardian’s medical insurance, the at-school accident and 24-hour accident plans help cover deductibles and co-payments.

It is important to note the district does not carry insurance for students beyond any legal liability of the district. The district will not pay for medical expenses incurred as a result of any injury sustained by a student. The district's legal liability for school-related injuries is limited by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act.

Jeffco has no interest or right and does not warranty this insurance product.

Parents interested in this insurance coverage can get more information, including directions for enrollment and payment, at the K&K Insurance website

These plans include a simplified claims procedure whereby the claim form is submitted directly to the K&K Insurance Group for consideration and payment. Claim  forms can  be obtained  from  the  K&K Insurance website or by calling the claims department directly at 1-800-237-2917.
