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Data Privacy & Security

Jeffco Public Schools has adopted core policies and practices that guide the district's operations in its quest to deliver quality education to all students. These policies and practices include safeguards for data privacy and security of students and staff.

Colorado Student Data and Transparency Act

The Colorado Student Data and Transparency Act aims to increase the transparency and security of all student personally identifiable information (PII). It also imposes duties on all commercial entities that provide school services. These entities are referred to as “contract providers” in the legislation.

As partners in students’ education, Jeffco seeks to build trust with parents and the community by proactively communicating what technology tools are being used in the classroom and what the district is doing to protect student data. Jeffco strives to show that the district is employing the right tools, gathering the right data, using that data correctly and keeping the data safe.

On each Jeffco school website, you can find the list of digital learning applications that the school uses with students on the technology page. You can also contact the digital teacher librarian listed for more information.


Jeffco takes data privacy and security seriously. Procedures that support secure operations include:

  • Encrypting stored data and securing data access.
  • Authenticating users to gain access to devices and the network.
  • Storing all sensitive data centrally, safeguarding the data by keeping it off end-user devices.
  • Communicating expectations and protocols to system end users.
  • Creating policies and guidelines for Internet, intranet and extranet systems.
  • Layering defenses to protect the network and its perimeter.
  • Monitoring audit and compliance.
  • Developing an incident response plan to address breaches of sensitive data.

Family Resources

Privacy Resources

Programs and Services

Data Governance

Jeffco is launching a new data governance initiative that includes assessment of current data management practices and implementation of new processes and policies.

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Security Compliance Initiatives

As a public entity that accepts credit card payments for various reasons, Jeffco takes steps to ensure credit card-related data is secure for families and employees.

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Software Purchasing

Digital resources play a necessary role in delivering a quality education to Jeffco students. The district vets commonly used software titles to safeguard student privacy and data.

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Technology and Data Privacy Advisory Committee

The Jeffco Technology and Data Privacy Advisory Committee (TDPAC) advises the Board of Education on technology strategies, systems and data governance.

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Security Compliance Initiatives

The Colorado Department of Education is required by state and federal law to collect and store student and educator records.
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law protecting the privacy of student education records.

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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)